Friday, 20 July 2012

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Over the years, Sprite advertising has used the portmantuae word "lymon," combining the words "lemon" and "lime," to describe the flavor of the drink.
Sprite's slogans in the 60s and 70s ranged from "Taste Its Tingling Tartness," "Naturally Tart," and "It's a Natural!"
A melon ball is referenced in the Freezpop song "secret Bonus Song" that appears at the end of their "Fastion impression Function EP. The song is otherwise known as "Sprite" or "Melonball Bounce" and was originally composed by Raymond Scott for a Sprite radio commercial around 1963, that references the "ice-tart taste" of Sprite.
Sprite started its most memorable campaign in the early 1980s with the word "Great Lymon Taste makes it Sprite" which remained on the logo for many years. However, this was never the actual Sprite slogan and was advertised by Jim Verney as Ernest p. Worell
By the 1980's Sprite had begun to have a large following among teenagers; marketing ads for the product were changed to cater to this demographic in 1987. "I Like the Sprite in You" was their first long running slogan. Many versions of the jingle were made during that time to fit various genres. The slogan was used until 1994.
In 1994 Sprite created a newer logo that stood out from their previous logos. The main coloring of the product's new logo was blue blending into green with silver "splashes," and subtle small white bubbles were on the background of the logo. The word 'Sprite' had a blue backdrop shadow on the logo, and the words "Great Lymon Taste!" were removed from the packaging. This was the official American logo until 2007.

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

Soft drink logo

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