Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

 A total of 80 completed responses were received for the survey.Points to benoted:92%respondentswerefrom the age group of 18-27 years.70 Males and 10 females responded to thesurvey In the survey, i had requested to list out the top 3 brands which your prefer.
Results: ThumsUp was the most favored Brand with 20 people listing it as their first choice, 12 people listed it as their 2nd choice and 7 people preferred it for the 3rd choice.
Maaza, Pepsi and Sprite each were the 1st choice of 12 respondents.
Coke was the first choice of 10 respondents.
Index of consumer rating for the top 5 brands, in order of their preference is:
ThumsUp - 20, 12, 7
Sprite - 12,11,16
Maaza - 12, 8 ,11
Pepsi -  12, 8 , 9
Coke - 10, 18, 9
These five brands are way above in preference and consumption than the rest of the pack.

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

Soft drink survey

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