Thursday 5 July 2012

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Either of two forms, wild and domestic, of Asian mammals similar to the ox. There are 74 breeds of domestic water buffalo numbering some 165 million animals, but only small numbers of wild water buffalo remain. Both forms are gray to black with off-white “socks” and one or two white chevrons on the neck; domestic forms may have more white. Horns in both sexes curve backward in a crescent. The record horn length is just under 2 metres (6.6 feet)—the longest among cattle or any other bovid, although in domestic forms the horns are shorter or even absent. Single offspring are born after a gestation of 10 to 11 months. Longevity of the domesticated water buffalo can be 40 years, but the wild form is not as long-lived, even in captivity.

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

Water buffalo

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